For the past 3 months, you've donated every spare waking moment (and moments where you should have been sleeping) to placing thousands of tiny diamonds in little squares.
And now, like magic, you stand back and marvel at a gorgeous Diamond Painting of your own making.

Shine on, you crazy Diamond Painting.
As time goes on, you'll want your Diamond Painting to look and feel as gorgeous as the day you finished it. So what can you do to keep your artwork perfect for years to come?
How To Seal Your Finished Diamond Painting
Sealing your Diamond Painting will lock all of the diamonds in place and significantly increase the longevity of your finished project.
If you plan to hang your Diamond Painting or use Stretcher Bars to showcase it, it's crucial you first seal your finished painting.
Brush-On Sealers
Brush-On Sealers present an all-in-one solution to preserving your Diamond Painting for years to come. They come in a variety of finishes and consistencies depending on your personal preference.
Pros: Functions as an all-in-one glue, sealer, and finish. Water resistant, so perfect if you're mounting your kit on a foam board or framing without glass - makes it easy to dust.
Cons: The big con is that some shine will be lost after sealing. Also, you won't be able to roll up your paintings after the sealer has been applied.

Our Recommendation: DecoArt's Triple Thick Glaze. In our experience, it has the perfect consistency, makes the canvas firm and sturdy, and retains as much sparkle as possible. For a slightly cheaper alternative, you can't go wrong with the classic Mod Podge.
You Should Know: Using Mod Podge Glitter reduces the shininess of the diamonds and replaces it with the 'micro-fine' glitter in the sealer. Some people might not like the look, so be careful when choosing finishes.
How To Seal Your Finished Diamond Painting
As a safety precaution, put pets and children in a separate room while you apply the sealer.
Step 1: Make sure all diamonds are properly set by applying weight or using a rolling pin.

Use the same technique you used initially to flatten out your canvas when you first got it. The goal is to make sure all diamonds are completely flat and locked tight to the canvas adhesive.
Pro Tip: Place an old tee shirt on the canvas to avoid scratching or breaking any diamonds.
Step 2: Dip the tip of your craft brush into your jar of brush-on sealer.

You can use just about any type of brush - foam or bristled. Our official recommendation is the Mod Podge Paint Brush Applicator (pictured) - it's just the right size to give you lots of control over where you apply the sealer.
Step 3: Begin to apply the sealer to your canvas in broad strokes.

The sealer will go on a thick white at first and look a bit like glue, but will become more transparent as it dries. Apply a thick, but full coating - no need to see globs of the stuff spilling over!
The glue will make its way it between each and every diamond, hardening over the next day.
What About Spray Sealers?
Aerosol spray sealers are used to coat the finished Diamond Painting in a crystal-clear finish. They do not function as a glue, so they don't fill the gaps in between your diamonds (like tile grouting!).
- Pros: Helps retain your diamond sparkle over time. It's waterproof, non-yellowing, and dries very quickly. Also, you're still able to roll up your finished canvas.
- Cons: Doesn't help cement drills to the canvas; any gaps between drills will remain unfilled.
Our Recommendation: We personally use Mod Podge® to seal all of our glass-framed Diamond Paintings. It's super easy to apply (just spray it on), non-toxic, and comes in different finishes and formulas.
- Mod Podge Super Gloss: We recommend the Super Gloss variety to preserve the shininess of your Diamond Painting.
- Mod Podge Matte Gloss: Only use matte sealer spray if you want your Diamond Painting to be LESS shiny!
- Mod Podge Pearlized Gloss: This flavor will give your painting an extra pearly sheen to it. It's meant to add an extra little sparkle.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I use sealers with Partial Drill Kits?
A: Yes, but go with a smaller brush! As much as possible, you want to avoid getting sealant on the parts of the canvas that have no diamonds.
Q: Can I use sealers with Round Drill Kits?
Yes - sealing Round Drill kits works just as well as Square Drill.
Have any helpful tips about sealing your Diamond Painting? Leave them in the comments section!
Rosemary Hall said:
Love it I put glaze gloss on my diamond paintings
July 18, 2019
Rose M Camacho said:
Thank you for the information. I have tried Mod Poge, but it didn’t dried clear. BUT I’ll try your suggestions.
July 18, 2019
Linda said:
Wow looks good have to get some
July 18, 2019
Janet Wild said:
I frame all my DPs under glass and use a professional framing company. I have never sealed any and had no issues as yet! If framing under glass is sealing really necessary?
July 18, 2019
Allison said:
Why would you need any kind of sealant if putting under glass?
July 18, 2019
Ellen Khan said:
Do you need to seal the key rings or stickers .thanks
July 18, 2019
Rosemarie Guilleaume said:
I have mounted my paintings on the wall , can I still use MOD PODGE on them or will it run?
July 18, 2019
Jenny DeVos said:
Where do I buy sealant
July 18, 2019
Marina G said:
Do you use the sealant before you mount the painting on foam board?
July 18, 2019
Maxine Mulligan said:
Can you use mod podge and then spray with a gloss sealer?
July 18, 2019
Wade Lee Haron said:
This was a huge help because I live in a nursing home so anything aerosal is out of the question. Foam brushes are extremely cheap where I can toss when done and not have to worry about washing them. I never knew about using the roller for flattening out the canvas nor using a t-shirt to place over the diamonds when using a roller. I found a heavy rubber roller that works for me and a towel will work just as good as a t-shirt which are plentiful in a nursing home! Very beneficial information especially for those of us on limited incomes. This is why Paint with Diamonds is my favorite diamond painting business and I have referred quite a few perspective buyers, all of them haven’t did this craft, and a couple of them wants to order some DPs and have me complete them for them.
July 18, 2019
Marilyn said:
Very helpful! Thank you
July 18, 2019
Dawna Moreau said:
Thank you this is very helpful. I love doing my pictures. So relaxing thanks
July 18, 2019
Margaret asp said:
Hi, what craft place can I buy some of that modpodge at?
July 18, 2019
Jamie said:
Do i have to seal all my paintings that i want to put in a glass frame
July 18, 2019