You’ve picked out your Diamond Painting design. You’ve ordered your kit. It’s come in the mail! Now where to set up?
It can be difficult to create the perfect work station. Our crafters have tried everything, from non-stick mats, to portable stations, to in-home art studios. The key to success? Your comfort!
Whether you’re new to Diamond Painting or you’re an experienced artist, you may be looking for some inspiration for your workspace. Here are some of our favorite setups from the fine folks in the Paint With Diamonds Support Group.
8. This Legendary Light Pad

“I found the coolest idea for my painting. The bottom is open so I can put my light pad underneath and still have the flat surface for my canvas,” says Bobbie Jo Janquart, “It keeps my canvas off the warm light pad so my adhesive doesn’t get slippery. Plus the corners are open so the cord can stick out.” This is the future of crafting!
7. This Made for Work-Space

Oh, is it bring your Diamond Painting to work day? “I’ve been going thru withdrawals while at work so I made a portable station for at my desk on lunch break,” says Jennifer Shinn. The struggle is real!
6. This Multi-Tasking Masterpiece

Can’t choose between watching your show or working on your Diamond Painting? Why not do both! Kylie Randall hacked the system with her Diamond Painting station. Now she can work and watch 90 Day Fiancé at the same time. Genius!
5.These Adaptable Art Studios

“I have three work stations. One for my small which is also a traveling size…one for my medium size and one for my large size paintings. Anybody else have three or am I just wacko LOL,” laughs Laura Davies Kemka. You're right Laura, this set up is weird. Weirdly amazing!
4. This Heroic Hubby

“Hubby just made me my own diamond station,” shares Linda Fortin. Well, I'm sold. True love does exist!
3. This Before and After Bling Out
Lisa Marie Marshall-Martin woke up at 6am to transform her Diamond workspace into a stylish studio. Look at that lightbulb storage! Those snazzy shelves! That doggy Diamond Painting! Needless to say, we’re obsessed.
2. This Disaster-Proof Daydream

Cats and children beware - this work station can handle it all! Fannie Woods created her own tray platforms and placed them on non-stick mats. Never have an “Oh Sh*t” moment ever again!
1. This Outdoor Oasis
A gorgeous day? Check! Diamond Painting? Check! Angela Coffey uses a big table top easel so she can move her designs anywhere she wants to sit. Crafting with a view? Sign me up!
Do You Have An Innovative Setup?
Did we miss a creative Diamond Painting work station? Let us know in the comments, or join our Facebook Support Group to become part of the family and submit your own!
How do I put my photos on Diamond Dotz Grid papers? What should I do? This is my first time. Does anyone knows .
Craig Culwell
May 17, 2021
Dalynn Anderson said:
April 19, 2021
Dalynn Anderson said:
Where did they get the plastic lap table as in picture #8?
April 19, 2021
K. F. Spahn said:
Please forward information on custom diamond painting kits. I have cats and dogs i would like to make pictures of.
April 06, 2021
Sandi Estes said:
I just love your company!! Your canvases and drills are superior to the other dp companies I’ve tried!! I’ve been dp for about 3 years now and Paint with Diamonds are the best!!!
April 06, 2021
Melissa said:
I was zoning out for hours and working on my project. Then realizing I was in pain from being hunched over the table working on my diamond painting. I ended up ordering an art easel. I taped my project to a foam board so I could move it around easily and then I can put that foam board on the easel. The legs are adjustable so depending on which section I’m in I can raise or lower the easel so it’s at the perfect height.
March 26, 2021
Linda McGrath said:
I use a multi purpose task tv table for my work station. It is easily movable and am able to adjust the slope of the work area. Flat, tilted down and attach a work lite that clamps to the corner. The workspace is 24 × 36 and has a raised edge to catch and beads in case any get loose.
March 16, 2021
MArlene LUPTAK said:
I have done several diamond dotz pictures. What is the differance between them and the painting ones?
March 16, 2021
Helen Germann said:
How do you put the pink glue and how do you get the light under the picture.
March 05, 2021
Ann Reagan said:
I’d also like to know where you got the legendary light pad?
March 01, 2021
Karen Orton said:
Bobbi Jo Janquart > Like your idea on placing the lightboard under that plastic thing, but you never told us what it is and my husband and I cannot figure it out. Also where did you get it? Thanks
March 01, 2021
Rosalie Vojtas said:
My kitchen table just doesn’t look right withOUT a large- or small-size diamond art project on it!
February 19, 2021
Sue Hoffman said:
Where did you get the “Legendary Light Pad”
February 17, 2021
paul grajauskas said:
Brilliant innovative solutions love the outdoor one I’m doing a 3ft x 4 ft one at the moment and finding space is big problem
February 17, 2021